Jim McDermott has been a freelance artist living in New Hampshire for the last 20 years. A graduate of the New England School of Art & Design, Jim’s creative talents have been utlized by advertising agencies, animation houses and publishers, in everything from comic books, T-shirts and package designs to illustrations for magazines, catalogs, brochures and children’s books. Jim’s clients have included Wang, Goldenbooks, IBM Computer, Apple Computer, Fidelity Investments, Fruit of the Loom, Gregg Press, Video Games and Computer Entertainment, Delta Dental, and Heavy Metal

Contact Information:
Phone: (603) 436-5473
Email: mickey1@bit-net.com

Illustration by McDermott website: 

young karloff karloff2 karloff_sm igor frank Copy of Karloff Boris Frankenstein brideoffrankenstien2 boris222 boris101 boris100 boris2_sm b&w_kar_smReturn